Tuesday, January 28, 2014


The following classes will be held at Central Library in downtown St. Louis:

SAT, FEB 8, 10:30 am-11:30 am
Heroes of the USCT (United States Colored Troops)
Tom Pearson discusses book, manuscript, microfilm, and Internet sources of information on the struggles and triumphs of African American Civil War soldiers. Training Room, 2nd Floor. To register/more information: tpearson@slpl.org.

SAT, MAR 22, 10:30 am-Noon
The Price is Right: the Genealogist’s Guide to Free Stuff on the Internet
Tom Pearson shows genealogists sites where they can find free digitized books; newspapers; magazines; forms & charts; clip art; images & photographs; maps; music; and podcasts, plus sites they can use to create free blogs & websites. Training Room, 2nd Floor. To register/more information: tpearson@slpl.org.

The following classes are co-sponsored by St. Louis Public Library; locations vary:

THURS, FEB 6, 7:30 pm-9 pm
St. Clair County Genealogical Society & SLPL present:
The Price is Right: the Genealogist’s Guide to Free Stuff on the Internet
Tom Pearson shows genealogists sites where they can find free digitized books; newspapers; magazines; forms & charts; clip art; images & photographs; maps; music; and podcasts, plus sites they can use to create free blogs & websites. St. Luke Parish Center, North Church and East "C" Sts., Belleville, Illinois 62222. To register/more information: tpearson@slpl.org.

THURS, FEB 13, 7 pm-8:30 pm
Madison County Genealogical Society & SLPL present:
The Price is Right: the Genealogist’s Guide to Free Stuff on the Internet
Tom Pearson shows genealogists sites where they can find free digitized books; newspapers; magazines; forms & charts; clip art; images & photographs; maps; music; and podcasts, plus sites they can use to create free blogs & websites. Edwardsville Public Library, 112 S. Kansas St., Edwardsville, IL 62025. To register/more information: tpearson@slpl.org.

NOTES: In case of inclement weather, you can call 314-241-2288 to see if Central Library will be open that day.

St. Clair County Genealogical Society and Madison County Genealogical Society cancel meetings if school is cancelled in those cities that day.

Want to be added to my email class notification list? Contact me here (tpearson@slpl.org) with NOTIFY in the Subject line. It’s that simple!

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