Planning to visit SLPL's Genealogy Room in the near future? You can quickly and easily create a list of items to look at while here using your home computer!
Note: Let’s assume you’re looking for info on Gasconade County (Mo.) ancestors.
Go here and click Catalog (near top of the screen).
The Search Bar on this screen should say All Fields.
Type gasconade county missouri genealogy (case doesn’t matter) and click Search.
You will get a list of library materials that match your search criteria. To the left of each title listed is a number and a little box. Click on the little box next to each title of interest to save it. Once you’ve looked at all the choices on that screen, click Print It and More at the bottom of the screen.
You will be offered a number of choices, including:
Place Hold(s)
Add to Your Lists
Text This to Me
You can thus immediately print a list of your selections; email or text the list to your phone or computer (or the phone or computer of a friend). You don’t need to be a Library cardholder to do any of these things.
If you are a cardholder, you can also create a List that attaches to your account, or you can place a hold on circulating items (sorry, most items in the Genealogy Room do not circulate).
By the way, if you want your search for Gasconade County items to be fairly thorough, you should also search using each of the following phrases:
gasconade county missouri history
gasconade county missouri newspapers
gasconade county missouri maps
gasconade county missouri families
Simply change gasconade and missouri to reflect the state and county of interest. We’ll see you soon!
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