The Sorkins Missouri business database has been added to can now access it from home! You'll find the link under the "Business" heading on our Databases page:
Sorkins Directory of Business and Government
What is Sorkins Directory of Business and Government?
Sorkins is the largest publisher of comprehensive regional databases in the U.S.
What do we mean by Comprehensive Business Profiles?
When you name a major city, everyone knows the largest public companies which produce well known products. There are only 4000 public companies in the country. No one else--except Sorkins--covers these companies providing the best coverage available for the other 99% of the area's economy.
Sorkin’s coverage includes:
Complete editions for the St. Louis, Kansas City, and Chicago metro areas.
Detailed listings include:
* Company name & parent company name
* Company headquarters & major locations in the region
* Detailed descriptions (of whatever length necessary) that tell the company story
* Executives, managers, officers, and boards
* Encompasses everyone in charge of sales, marketing, public purchasing, human resources, logistics, and information technology
* Companies indexed by proprietory industry codes.
* Sorkins Directory of Industry Categories (SDIC's), as well as, the widely used SIC/NAICS industry codes.
Search Capabilities include:
* Search by keyword
* Ability to look up a person and find all of their companies and board memberships
* The family tree of a company
* Saving companies
* Selecting & Sorting
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