Note: We can no longer offer free parking at Central
Library, but parking is free at Buder Branch Library, where many of my programs
will be scheduled during 2016.
Central Library parking info:
In case of inclement weather, you can call 314-241-2288 to
see if Library locations are open for business.
DEC 10
2 pm
Civil War Weapons, Strategy, and Tactics
Tom Pearson discusses book, manuscript, microfilm, and
Internet sources of information on Civil War weapons, strategy, and tactics.
Buder Branch Library, 4401 Hampton Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63109. To
register/more information, email us at tpearson@slpl.org.
FEB 20
2 PM
eBooks for the Genealogist
Join us as Tom Pearson discusses eBook readers, eBook
applications, and sources of free eBooks of special interest to genealogists
and local historians. Buder Branch Library, 401 Hampton Avenue, St. Louis, Mo
63109. To register / more info: tpearson@slpl.org.
MAR 19
2 PM
A Guided Tour of Ancestry Library Edition
Join us as Tom Pearson discusses features of and record sets
contained in Ancestry Library Edition. He also discuss ways to search ALE more
efficiently. Buder Branch Library, 401 Hampton Avenue, St. Louis, Mo 63109. To
register / more info: tpearson@slpl.org.