Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Factors Contributing to the Outbreak of the War of 1812

1. Involuntary impressment of American sailors and merchant seamen into the British Navy- more than 6,000 had been shanghaied by British press gangs by 1812.

2. American designs on foreign possessions in North America- a group of U.S. congressmen known as "War Hawks" spurred this effort to expand U.S. territory and influence.

A. Spanish Florida
B. British Canada

3. Indian troubles- many persons felt that British agents were purposely stirring up Indian troubles in the U.S.'s midwestern territorial possessions.

4. Napoleon's invasion of Russia (1812)- the "War Hawks" and others eager for war with Britain felt that Britain would be stretched too thin if forced to contend with simultaneous military campaigns in Europe and North America.

5. "Continental System"- The U. S. became ensnared in the tangle of decrees and orders in council concerning European trade restrictions and boycotts (1806-1812) which had been issued by England and France as a result of the continuing quest of each of those nations to achieve world dominance. The "Continental System" and French efforts to enforce its decrees is one of the factors which led to Napoleon's invasion of Russia (1812).

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Following is a list of books from our collection that can help persons researching guerrilla warfare in Missouri during the Civil War. You can check on the status of an item, and place a reserve on circulating books, via our catalog.

Castel, Albert E, and Thomas Goodrich. Bloody Bill Anderson: The Short, Savage Life of a Civil War Guerrilla. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1998. [ST 973.737092]

Eakin, Joanne W. C, and Donald R. Hale. Branded As Rebels: A List of Bushwhackers, Guerrillas, Partisan Rangers, Confederates and Southern Sympathizers from Missouri During the War Years. Lee's Summit, MO: J.C. Eakin & D.R. Hale, 1993. [HG, ST 973.742]

Fellman, Michael. Inside War: The Guerrilla Conflict in Missouri During the American Civil War. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. [HG, ST 973.7478]

Fredrickson, George M. Why the Confederacy Did Not Fight a Guerrilla War After the Fall of Richmond: A Comparative View. Gettysburg: Gettysburg College, 1996. [ST 973.738]

Gilmore, Donald L. Civil War on the Missouri-Kansas Border. Gretna, La: Pelican Pub, 2005. [ST,CP,MA 973.709778]

Hansen, Duncan E. A Reunion in Death: Gravesites of Quantrill’s Men and the James Gang. [HG 977.803]

Lankford, Rose M. The Encyclopedia of Quantrill's Guerrillas. Evening Shade, AR: R.M. Lankford, 1999. [HG 973.742]

Mountcastle, Clay. Punitive War: Confederate Guerrillas and Union Reprisals. Lawrence, Kan: University Press of Kansas, 2009. [HG 973.73]

Nichols, Bruce. Guerrilla Warfare in Civil War Missouri. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co., Publishers, 2007. [HG, CB 973.7478]

Piston, William G, and Thomas P. Sweeney. Portraits of Conflict: A Photographic History of Missouri in the Civil War. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2009. [HG 973.803]

Schultz, Duane P. Quantrill's War: The Life and Times of William Clarke Quantrill, 1837-1865. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. [HG 973.742092]

Sutherland, Daniel E. A Savage Conflict: The Decisive Role of Guerrillas in the American Civil War. Chapel Hill, N.C: University of North Carolina Press, 2009. [HG, BU 973.73013]

Wood, Larry. The Civil War Story of Bloody Bill Anderson. Austin, Tex: Eakin Press, 2003. [HU B ANDERSON]

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


You can check our catalog or call our History & Genealogy Department (314-539-0385) to get further information about these titles or other recent additions to our Genealogy book collection.

Allen, Desmond W. Family History Detective: A Step-by-Step Guide to Investigating Your Family History. Cincinnati, Ohio: Family Tree Books, 2011. [HG 929.1]

Bockstruck, Lloyd D. W. Revolutionary War Pensions Awarded by State Governments 1775-1874, the General and Federal Governments Prior to 1814, and by Private Acts of Congress to 1905. Baltimore, Md: Genealogical Pub. Co, 2011. [HG 973.34]

Carangelo, Lori. The Ultimate Search Book: Worldwide Adoption, Genealogy, & Other Search Secrets. Baltimore, Md: Genealogical Pub. Co. for Clearfield Co, 2011. [HG 929.1]

Clifford, Karen. The Complete Beginner's Guide to Genealogy, the Internet, and Your Genealogy Computer Program. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Pub. Co, 2001. [HG, ST 929.1]

Henselmeyer, Ulrich, and Sandra N. Funk. The Walter and Henselmeier Families: Coming to and Settling in America. Indianapolis, Ind: S.H. Funk & U. Henselmeyer, 2011. [ST 929.2 WALTER]

Jackson, Belford D. Deguire Dit La Rose and Allied Families: The French Ancestry of Emma Deguire of Iron County, Missouri. Lohman, Mo: B.D. Jackson, 2011. [ST 929.2 DEGUIRE]

Jefferson County, Missouri Marriages 1881-1890. High Ridge, Mo: Jefferson County Genealogical Society, 2011. [HG 929.3778 JEFFERSON]

Rising, Marsha H. The Family Tree Problem Solver: Tried-and-true Tactics for Tracing Elusive Ancestors. Cincinnati, Ohio: Family Tree Books, 2011. [HG, BU 929.1072073]

Robertsen, Thomas R. Historical and Genealogical Notes on the Ancestry and Life of Charles Linden Culler. St, Louis, Mo: T.R. Robertsen, 2011. [ST 929.2 CULLER]

Stockton, Robert D. Descendants of Robert Stockton of Pennsylvania. Emporia, Kan: Bob Stockton, 2011. [ST 929.2 STOCKTON]